Salah satu tujuan dari penggunaan kalimat modals dalam Bahasa Inggris ialah menyatakan perkiraan, permintaan, penawaran, kemauan, dan kebenaran abadi. Hal ini sanggup dilakukan memakai kata will. Penggunaan kalimat modals will sendiri luas sebab sanggup disematkan bersama semua jenis subjek. Will masuk dalam golongan modal auxiliary yaitu kata bantu yang sanggup menawarkan embel-embel makna dalam kalimat.
You may also learn about:
Modal Verb
Contoh Kalimat Modals on Recommendation
Adverb of Modality dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Kalimat Modals Positif, Negatif, dan Interogatif Will
Kata will sebagai modals auxiliary digunakan
bersama dengan verb I (kata kerja bentuk pertama) dan tidak sanggup ditambahkan
partikel lain. Berikut ini beberapa pola penggunaan kata will yang salah.
- I will makes you lunch.
- I will reads for kids tonight.
I will make you lunch.
I will read for kids tonight.
Penggunaan will dalam menyatakan perkiraan
Rumus kalimat positif
S + will + Verb I + O
- We will win this game for sure.
- We will still try until every thing working out.
- I will shop if get some discount.
- She will stop stalking her ex when she meet
someone new. - He will go earlier tomorrow to avoid traffic
jam. - He will fall in love with this calendula oil if
she send it. - You will become great dad if you try harder.
- They will celebrate your birthday if they see
the calendar. - I will go to Libya if you come with me.
- I will see Mamamoo’s concert if I get paid this
month. - We will forget this when we grow old.
Rumus kalimat negatif
S + Will + not + Verb I + O
Will not sanggup diringkas menjadi
- She won’t call you back after you embarrass her
family. - He won’t say sorry because of his ego.
- They won’t come again after you make them mad.
- I won’t trust you anymore after any thing you
do. - We won’t eat your meal again after we find out a
cockroach in a meatball.
Penggunaan will dalam menyatakan permintaan
Rumus kalimat interogatif
Will + S + Verb I + O
Will sanggup disembatkan dengan
beragam subjek ibarat I, You, We, They, She, He, It
- Will you help me to pick up my kids?
- Will you bring me those chocolates?
- Will they arrive at the right time to helping me cook for dinner?
- Will you go to the cinema with me?
- Will you accompany me to come to Rina’s party?
Penggunaan will dalam menyatakan penawaran
Kata will sanggup dipakai untuk menyatakan
penawaran dalam bentuk present tense dan future tense.
- I will accompany you if you ever ask me.
- We will date five years from now if you give me
a chance.
You may also learn about:
Contoh penggunaan modal auxiliaries
Contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense Positive Negative Interrogative
Contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense menggunakan Verb I
Penggunaan will dalam menyatakan kebenaran abadi.
- The sun will rise from the east and set to the west.
Penggunaan will dalam menyatakan kemauan
- I will marry you next year.
- Ratna will help you do the task.
- They will ask your help.
- You will come back to me after all this time.