Friday, February 9, 2018

√ Fungsi Anggota Badan Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Arti Dan Contoh

Mengenal istilah dalam anggota badan memang sudah biasa, namun tidak hanya istilahnya termasuk juga fungsinya sebagai indera yang kita miliki. Nah, untuk kau yang ingin mencari tahu mengenai fungsi anggota badan dalam bahasa Inggris dapat mempelajarinya pada artikel berikut ini. Contoh kosakata bahasa Inggris anggota tubuh lengkap dengan pola dan artinya.

Setiap anggota badan tentu mempunyai fungsinya sendiri – sendiri, pola mata untuk melihat, pengecap untuk mengecap dan sebagainya. Simak saja eksklusif pola kosakata dan artinya ibarat di bawah ini :

Contoh Kalimat

1The man’s eyes are blue like the skyMata lelaki itu berwarna biru ibarat langit
2Her lips are very secy and flushed redBibirnya sangat seci dan merah merona
3Many women dye their eyebrowsBanyak perempuan yang mewarnai alis matanya
4Roni is undergoing a lung testRoni sedang menjalani tes paru – paru
5His heart was pounding when he saw the girlJantungnya terasa berdebar dikala melihat gadis itu

Contoh Kosakata dan fungsinya

1Eyeserves to see, view, review and observe thingsMata
2Nosekiss, breathe in and snortHidung
3Moutheat, drink, feel, chew and swallowMulut
5Nostrilinhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxideLubang hidung
6Eyebrowsensitive eye protection from excessive droplets of water and sunlightAlis
7Eyelidprotect and close your eyesKelopak mata
8Eyelashblocking dust and small animals that want to enter the eyeBulu mata
9Lipskeep food and drinks from spilling out, feeling hot and cold food, conversation, talking.Bibir
10Tonguefeel food, drink, or whatever goes into the mouthLidah
11Fingersenses to feel, hold and move objects heldJari
12Palmhand shape giver also connects the finger bone with the base of the hand boneTelapan tangan
13Wristmove your legs so that your feet can walk

Pergelangan kaki

14Forearmto support the bodyLengan bawah
15Elbowplace of the hinge joint on the handSiku

Simak pola fungsi anggota badan dalam bahasa Inggris dan kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris wacana pekerjaan.

16Upper armto support the forearm bodyLengan atas
17Shoulderto hold the load when carryingBahu
18Thumbto move, hold and feel thingsIbu jari
19Handto hold, move, feel, and move an object or actTangan
20Thumbto move, hold and feel thingsJempol
21Index fingerto move, hold and feel thingsTelunjuk
22Middle fingerto move, hold and feel thingsJari tengah
23Ring fingerto move, hold and feel thingsJari manis
24Little fingerto move, hold and feel thingsKelingking
25Nailprotect fingertips that are soft and full of nerves, and enhance touch powerKuku
26Kneewrap and protect the knee jointLutut
27Legmove and walkKaki
28Foreheadmove and contract the forehead shellJidat
29CalfGives strength to the body frameBetis
30Anklemove your feet

Pergelangan kaki

Ini ia pola kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris wacana kebidanan lengkap.

31Heelsupporting the body and exposing the foot to the mainlandTumit
32Footmove and feetKaki
33Toemove the foot and grip the ground that is stepped onJari kaki
34Heartpumping blood throughout the bodyJantung
35Lungsexchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the bloodParu paru
36Veinsbring blood to the heartUrat darah halus
37Brainregulate and coordinate most body movements, homeostasis and body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperatureOtak
38Throatpush food into the stomachKerongkongan
39Liverremove toxins in the bodyHati
40Stomachto store temporary food, release acids and enzymes for the breakdown of food chemistryPerut
41Kidneyremove excess water from the body, or maintain it when neededGinjal
42SkeletonProtect soft body parts such as the brain, lungs, and heart, where muscles and tissues attachKerangka
43Ribsprotect the heart, lungs, and liver and other organs in the chest cavity to stay safeTulang rusuk
44Bonesmaintain vital organs, support the body, and protect the brain and vital organs in the chestTulang
45Skinrecipient of stimuli, protect against physical damage, radiation, and germs, as well as to regulate body temperatureKulit

Simak pola wacana fungsi anggota badan dalam bahasa Inggris juga kosakata bahasa Inggris dalam Sains beserta artinya.

46Headhelps various sensor functions such as vision, hearing, smell, and tasteKepala
47Faceprotect the inside of the face such as facial bones, facial tissue and as a person’s physical appearanceWajah
48Hairprotect the scalp from direct sunlightRambut
49Tonguefeel food, drink, or whatever goes into the mouthLidah
50Toothchewing, biting and digesting food also speaksGigi
51Backto support the rear body so that it can be upheldPunggung
52Chestplays an important role in the breathing processDada
53Waistmake the body stand tall, move, and protect several important organsPinggang
54Hipsupport the contents of the stomach and describe the state of the small pelvisPinggul
55Thighthe place for producing red blood cells in the bone marrowPaha
56Musclescreates movement, helps regulate body posture, joint stability, and body heat productionOtot
57Neckmove the head and as a head supportLeher
58Chinsupport the function of Os Mandibulla or Lower Jaw and to complete facial proportionsDagu
59Intestineabsorb water from fecesUsus
60Colonsave and eliminate food scraps; maintain fluid and electrolyte balanceUsus besar

Contoh lain dari kosakata di Rumah Sakit dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat kau pelajari juga bersama fungsi anggota badan dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga menjadi manfaat dan ilmu baru, selamat mencoba.
