Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone ini membahas 7 Orang Hebat dan Sukses di Dunia. Siapakah mereka? Mulai dari Larry Page, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, JK Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift dan Chairul Tanjung. Obyek yang bisa menjadi point of interest dari sebuah descriptive text bahasa Inggris nggak melulu tempat wisata atau benda kesayangan saja. Seseorang pun bisa kau deskripsikan. Siapa ya bagusnya dijadikan materi deskripsi? Ya, gini nih kalo lagi nggak ada ide. Banyak yang bilang, sebelum mendeskripsikan seseorang (someone), kau harus pilih sosok yang erat denganmu. Deskripsikan seseorang yang kau kenal, begitu katanya. Entah bener atau nggak, yang terang ada waktunya kau perlu berkembang dan cari hal yang menantang. Deskripsikan perihal seseorang yang tak kau kenal contohnya atau orang hebat lainnya. Sosok inspiratif yang bisa menambah pengetahuanmu. 1. Larry Page![]() Tapi kita nggak bakal ngobrolin perihal Google tapi mendeskripsikan Larry Page, salah satu pencetus mesin pencari yang telah terkenal diseluruh dunia itu. Page yaitu seorang ilmuwan komputer dan pengusaha internet asal Amerika. Ia mendirikan Google pada tahun 1998, tapi nggak sendiri lho. Ia bekerja sama dengan seorang teman semasa kuliah S3 di Universitas Stanford berjulukan Sergey Brin. Seputar diri dan keluarganya, Larry Page lahir tanggal 26 Maret 1973. Rambut berwarna coklat bau tanah dan kulitnya putih. Istri Page yaitu seorang ilmuwan berjulukan Lucinda Southworth. Tahun 2017, Larry Page bakalan berusia 44 tahun lho. Usia yang cukup matang untuk menduduki posisi sebagai orang terkaya ke-12 di dunia. Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone, yaitu Larry Page: Lawrence “Larry” Page is one of the most influencial people in the world. Page is an American computer scientist and an Internet entrepreneur. He was a co-founder of Google with his friend, Sergey Brin, in 1998. Now, he plays a role as the chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphapets, Google’s parent company. Larry Page was born on 26th March 1973 in Michigan. By 2017, his age is 44 years old. The color of his hair is dark brown and his skin is fair. About his family, a research scientist named Lucinda Southworth is his wife. Now, he is a father of two children. In November 2016, he becomes the 12th richest person in the world. Larry’s last education background is a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Here, he met Sergey Brin. Then, they incorporated Google in order to make world’s information easy to access. This company makes him to be the successful person in the world. 2. Bill Gates![]() Bill Gates yang punya nama lengkap William Henry “Bill” Gates III yaitu salah satu orang yang paling kaya dan besar lengan berkuasa di dunia dalam bidang teknologi. Bersama seorang teman yang berjulukan Paul Allen, ia mendirikan perusahaan perangkat lunak pada tahun 1975. Kini Bill Gates dikenal sebagai filantropi yang menyumbangkan sebagian kekayaannya untuk sosial melalui Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone, yaitu Bill Gates: William Henry “Bill” Gates III is one of the richest and influential people in the world. In 1975 together with his friend, Paul Allen, he co-founded Microsoft which became the world’s largest PC software company. That is why his name exists in the list of the world’s wealthiest people by Forbes. Bill Gates or Trey as his nickname was born on 28th October 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. By 2017, he is 62 years old. His hair and eye color is the same, light brown. Bill Gates’ weight is 64 kilograms with the height 177 centimeters. With his wife named Melinda Gates, they have three children in the family. Besides being the best-known entrepreneur, Bill Gates is also known as a philanthropist. In 2000, he and his wife created Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It was identified as the world’s wealthiest charitable foundation in 2013. Through this foundation, Bill Gates donates large amounts of money to many charitable organizations and scientific research programs. 3. Mark Zuckerberg![]() Kayak Bill Gates yang suka nyumbang sana-sini, Mark Zukerberg juga orangnya sosial banget. Bersama isterinya yang berjulukan Priscilla Chan, ia mendirikan organisasi kemanusiaan, Chan Zukerberg Initiative, dan membagikan 99% sahamnya untuk memajukan potensi insan dan mempromosikan kesetaraan. Wow, inspiratif banget kan? Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone, yaitu Mark Zukerberg: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Facebook, the famous social media. His name was in the list of 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world since 2010 by Time magazine. About his physical appearance, Mark’s body is 170 centimeters tall with the weight 76 kilograms. His hair color is red and his eyes are blue. Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14th May 1984 in New York, USA. Therefore, he is 33 years old by 2017. Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan and they have one daughter named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg. 4. J. K. Rowling![]() Perempuan yang berjulukan lengkap Joanne Rowling ini lahir pada 31 Juli 1965. Dengan wajahnya yang cantik, rambut pirang, mata biru dan kulit putih yang tetap abadi muda, orang nggak bakal nyangka kalau ia berusia 52 tahun pada Juli 2017 ini. JK. Rowling yaitu penulis hebat dan sukses yang menjadi orang paling kaya di Inggris. Dengan menjadi seorang penulis yang hebat dengan imajinasi yang spektakuler, ia bisa menjadi seseorang yang berkelimpahan. Padahal, dulunya ia pernah menjadi pengangguran dengan kehidupan yang melarat. Tapi sihir Harry Potter menyulap kehidupannya 360 derajat. Fantastis, bukan? Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone, yaitu J.K.Rowling J. K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes the fenomal fantasy book series of Harry Potter. The books have got worldwide attention. They have become the best selling book series in history. The books were sold more than 400 milion copies. JK. Rowling is a terrific and successful novelist that becomes the richest woman in England. In fact, once she had become unemployed with a destitute life. By writing Harry Potter books which are loaded with spectacular magic and high imagination, she turns to be very famous and wealthy. Menulis descriptive text juga bisa mengasah keterampilan berbahasa Inggrismu. Gimana ya biar bisa mahir menulis (writing)??? Temukan 5 Cara Ampuh Belajar Writing Bahasa Inggris Khusus untuk Pemula. 5. Oprah Winfrey![]() Wanita terkaya berkulit hitam ini lahir pada tanggal 29 Januari 1954 di Mississippi, Amerika Serikat. Oprah mempunyai mata berwarna cokelat sedangkan warna rambutnya hitam. Tinggi tubuh sekitar 169 cm dan berat 77 kg membuatnya tampak gemuk. Namun ia pernah loh berhasil diet supaya badannya lebih kurus, tapi kembali lagi. Jika kau tahu perempuan sukses ini, tentu kau tahu kisah hidupnya. Ia pernah mengalami masa-masa kegelapan ketika remaja. Ia pernah menjadi korban pelecehan secual hingga hamil di usia 14 tahun. Namun, bayi yang telah ia lahirkan meninggal beberapa ahad kemudian. Setelah tinggal bersama ayahnya yang menerapkan disiplin tinggi, ia mulai bangun dan menjadi penyiar radio. Karirnya mulai melejit ketika menjadi pembawa kegiatan yang paling fenomenal di TV. Contoh Descriptive Text about Someone, yaitu Oprah Winfrey: Oprah Gail Winfrey is a great talk show host from America. Her well-known talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show was the highest-rated television kegiatan from 1986 to 2011. Because of this phenomenal talk show, she dubbed as the “Queen of All Media”. She has also been ranked the richest African-American and the greatest black philanthropist in American history. Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 in Mississippi, United States. By 2017, her age is 62 years old. She has 169 centimeters tall dan her weight is 77 kilograms. During her career, she successfully lost her weight. But then, she gained much weight again.She has brown eyes and black hair. Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi. She was molested her cousin, uncle, and a family friend when she was nine years old. At 14, she became pregnant but her son was born prematurely and he died shortly after birth. Then, she moved to her father’s house and landed a job in radio. The consistent efforts led her into the successful African-American in the world. 6. Taylor Swift![]() Perempuan anggun ini berusia 29 tahun pada 2017 ini. Duh, masih muda udah jadi penyanyi profesional bahkan melegenda di dunia. Bentuk tubuh Taylor Swift yaitu idaman para perempuan, dengan tinggi 178 cm dan berat 54 kg. Wah…wah…pengalaman pahit di masa kemudian bisa jadi berkah di masa mendatang. So, bagi kau yang ngerasa pernah di-bully, tetep semangat ya. Dan buktikan kepada mereka yang meremehkan kalau kau bisa menjadi orang yang hebat dan sukses. Contoh Descriptive Text perihal Taylor Swift (Someone Beautiful and Successful): Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer and song writer. She is known for narrative songs about her personal life. Her songs are very popular, namely Shake It Off, Blank Space and Bad Blood. Taylor Swift has appeared as one of the most influential and powerful women in the world by Forbes and Time magazines. By 2017, Taylor Swift’s age is 28 years old. She was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. This beautiful girl has 178 centimeters tall and weighs 54 kilograms. Her hair is blonde and her eye color is blue. Her lips are usually red as she likes red color very much. Taylor Swift is a famous and wealthy women but her life was not always so sweet. She suffered bullying in the school especially in Juniour High. She said that she got dumped by a group of popular girls in the school. They thought that it was weird that she liked country music. This changed after she moved to Nashville and became a successful singer. Menulis teks deskripsi bahasa Inggris biasanya memakai pola kalimat Simple Present Tense. Seperti apa ya pola kalimat Simple Present itu? Yuk cari tahu dalam artikel ini: Pola Kalimat Simple Present Tense ini Bikin Kamu Melek Tenses. 7. Chairul Tanjung![]() Chairul Tanjung yaitu seorang pengusaha sukses yang mendirikan dan memimpin CT Corp. Apa itu CT Corp? Sebuah bisnis yang terdiri atas tiga perusahaan sub holding: Mega Corp, Trans Corp, dan CT Global Resources. Bidang yang disasar yaitu layanan finansial, media, ritel, gaya hidup, hiburan, dan sumber daya alam. Mungkin kau tahu Bank Mega, Carrefour, Trans TV, Trans 7, Trans Studio, dan Trans-Trans lainnya, itu semua di bawah CT Corp. Chairul Tanjung mempunyai tubuh yang agak bongsor, rambut hitam, mata yang agak sipit dan kulit sawo matang menyerupai kebanyakan laki-laki Indonesia. CT lahir pada tanggal 16 Juni 1962 dan berusia 55 tahun pada 2017. Sampai ketika ini CT mempunyai 2 anak dengan istri tercinta Anita Ratnasari Tanjung. Chairul Tanjung yaitu lulusan fakultas kedokteran gigi di Universitas Indonesia. Karena ekonomi kurang mampu, di kampus itu ia mulai berguru bisnis, dari fotokopi hingga menjual keperluan kampus untuk mahasiswa kedokteran. Setelah lulus, ia semakin mengasah kemahiran berbisnis hingga masuk ke dalam daftar orang terkaya di dunia urutan ke-375 oleh Forbes pada 2014. Contoh Descriptive Text perihal Chairul Tanjung (Someone Who Works Hard dan Have Smart Thinkings) Chairul Tanjung is a successful businessman from Indonesia. He leads the CT Corp which consists of three sub-holding companies: Mega Corp, Trans Corp, and CT Global Resources. These companies concern on financial services, media, retail, lifestyle, entertainment, and natural resources. Some of his businesses are Bank Mega, Carrefour, Trans TV, Trans 7, Trans Studio, and others. Chairul Tanjung has a tall body, dark hair, slightly slanted eyes and brown skin like most of Indonesian. CT was born on June 16, 1962 and he is 55 years old in 2017. CT has two children with his beloved wife Anita Ratnasari Tanjung. Chairul has graduated from faculty of dentistry at University of Indonesia. Because of being economically disadvantaged, he began to do business in the colleage. After graduation, he has established bigger businesses. In 2014, he was in the 375th as the richest people in the world by Forbes. Nggak pengen mendeskripsikan seseorang? Kamu bisa menciptakan deskripsi perihal tempat wisata menarik. Nih, 7 pola descriptive text perihal tempat wisata yang menjadi keajaiban dunia. *** Harapannya, pola descriptive text about someone alias orang hebat dan sukses di dunia ini nggak hanya jadi materi kiprah atau bacaan semata. Kamu pun bisa berguru banyak dari usaha mereka. Semuanya sosok p0juang yang bekerja keras untuk mencapai sukses. Jika kau ngikutin jejak mereka, bisa jadi kau ketularan semangat dan jadi orang sukses berikutnya. Ya… siapa tahu… |