Wednesday, March 27, 2019

√ Stem Cells For Goals? Star Ronaldo To Get Treatment

football player Cristiano Ronaldo will reportedly undergo a stem cell treatment procedure  √ Stem cells for goals? Star Ronaldo to get treatmentSuperstar soccer/football player Cristiano Ronaldo will reportedly undergo a stem cell treatment procedure to try to mend a hamstring injury.

This is reported by the highly rigorous source, The Daily Mail as well as the Independent. The latter quoted his mother about this situation and her son:

“He is like his mother. He has a strong personality, he is very proud and he always demands more. This is his worst defect.”

Details of the treatment remain sketchy. Is really stem cells and if so, what kind? Marrow? Fat? Or is it just PRP going by the name “stem cells”?

Foxsports provided at least a few hints: “The treatment Ronaldo will undergo is similar to that received by tennis player Rafael Nadal on his recurring knee injury. Healthy cells are taken from Ronaldo’s blood or bone marrow and injected into the dilema area to help speed up recovery.”

Ronaldo may be hoping to get a boost in goals from stem cells. I’m skeptical.
