Wednesday, March 27, 2019

√ Stem Cells Run Amok: Jill Howlin’S Satirical Cartoon Look

Jill Howlin’s drawings about science and policy have a unique, edgy style that packs a punch. I have invited her to weigh in here now and then with new illustrations that touch upon stem cell or other innovative biomedical matters.s drawings about science and policy have a unique √ Stem cells run amok: Jill Howlin’s satirical cartoon look

Jill’s new drawing today relates to some key stem cell issues such as clinical safety, choice of stem cells, homologous use, and more. You can read my post from this week on the myth that stem cells are homologous to all tissues.

Jill tells me that she put an Irish humour spin on this cartoon.

Also see her past cartoon on Donald Trump and pay walls in science and medicine. I have also drawn some of these science political cartoons as well for the blog myself (see examples here) at times, but I think Jill has a lot more talent.

You can follow Jill on Twitter.
