Wednesday, February 21, 2018

√ Penggunaan Preposition Of Place At On In

You read: penggunaan preposition of place at on in

Good morning class!!!

Hello! Nice to see you again. What’s the previous topic? We discussed Penggunaan Preposition of Time: At On In.

Sebelumnya kita telah membahas preposition of time. Lalu bagaimana dengan preposition of place? Baiklah, kita akan bahas mengenai Penggunaan Preposition of Place At On In.

“Where do you live? I live at/on/in Jakarta”, “See you at/on/in the bus stop!”, “I saw you at/on/in television, friends”, “She put her bag at/on/in table”.

Beberapa kalimat diatas dibutuhkan preposition yang sempurna untuk kawasan (Jakarta, bus stop, television, dan table). Apakah memakai preposition At, On, ataukah In?

Untuk sanggup menjawabnya, yuk kita bahas mengenai Penggunaan Preposition of Place At On In?

Kita memakai preposition of place:

    • At pada suatu kawasan spesifik (point).

    • On pada permukaan secara horizontal atau vertical (surface).

    • In berada di suatu ruang tertutup (enclosed space) dan suatu area yang luas (wide area).

Penggunaan Preposition of Place At On In

Penggunaan Preposition of Place AT

Preposition of PlaceATAT
PenggunaanDi kawasan spesifik

Pola standar

(standard expression)
At the bankAt university
At gas stationAt school
At the bus stopAt home
At the airportAt office
At the hospitalAt work
At the end of the roadAt the top
At the corner of the roadAt the bottom
At the top of the buildingAt the side

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  • My father works at the bank.

  • We will meet at the bus stop.

  • She arrived at the airport today.

  • Let’s see the doctor at the hospital.

  • My room is at the top of the building.

  • You will find the grocery at the end of the road.

  • I will be at home tomorrow.

  • See you at school.

  • I study at university.

Penggunaan Preposition of Place ON

Preposition of PlaceONON
PenggunaanDi permukaan (surface)

secara horizontal atau vertikal
Pola standar

(standard expression)
On the tableOn the way
On the chairOn television
On the doorOn radio
On the floorOn a horse
On the coverOn a camel
On the carpetOn a bus
On the wallOn a ship
On the riverOn a plane
On your faceOn a train
On the windowOn the motor/bicycle
On the left
On the right

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  • Please put your bag on the table.

  • My sister is sitting on the chair.

  • He is lying on the floor.

  • There are some pictures on the wall.

  • I see the sadness on your face.

  • Wait me! I am on the way.

  • I hear your speech on the radio.

  • There are many passengers on a bus.

  • The post office is on the left.

Penggunaan Preposition of Place IN

Preposition of PlaceININ
PenggunaanDi ruang tertutup

(enclosed space)
Pola standar

(standard expression)
In a boxIn the newspaper
In a buildingIn a lift
In the pocketIn a row
In the walletIn a car
In a bagIn a taxi
In a cupIn a helicopter
In a bottleIn a book
In a drawerIn a bed
PenggunaanDi area yang luas

(wide area)
In a boat
In Indonesia
In England
In Japan
In the sea
In the sky
In the garden
In the field
In the river

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  • The ball is in the box.

  • I have some books in my bag.

  • There is no money in my pocket.

  • I live in Indonesia.

  • He finished his study in England.

  • I found a big stone in the river.

  • She left her wallet in a taxi.

Okay, friends. Bagaimana materinya? Nah, itu semua klarifikasi lengkap mengenai penggunaan preposition of place at on in. Terus berguru dan berlatih ya. Semoga bahan ini sanggup menambah pengetahuan kita semua. Coba latihan soal Preposition of Place!

Baca juga: Preposition of Time At On In, Daftar Lengkap Irregular Verb

Mau tau kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu??? Cek Bahasa Inggrismu DISINI

 penggunaan preposition of place at on in √ Penggunaan Preposition of Place At On In


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