You read: penggunaan preposition of time at on in
Good morning class!!!
How’s your day? Last topic we discussed about superlative adjective. Now let’s continue our discussion.
Before finding out the topic, we’ll try to guess the topic based on these questions. “Are you busy on Friday?”, “Do you have a breakfast at 7 o’clock?” “Will you go to school in summer?”
Seluruh pertanyaan tersebut berkaitan dengan waktu. Tapi setiap pertanyaan tersebut terdapat on, at, in. Can you guess the topic?
Kita akan bahas mengenai penggunaan PREPOSITION OF TIME AT ON IN. Bagaimakah penggunaannya?
Kita mungkin sering merasa galau untuk memilih preposition yang sempurna untuk jam, hari, bulan dll. Apakah kita memakai on/at/in Sunday? At/in/on July? At/on/in 6 o’clock? Mari kita bahas!
Penggunaan Preposition of Time At On In
Kita memakai preposition of time:
- At untuk waktu yang sudah pasti/tepat.
- On untuk hari (days), tanggal (dates)
- In untuk bulan (months), tahun (years), kala (centuries), jangka waktu yang panjang (long periods), isu terkini (seasons).
Preposition of Time | Penggunaan | Contoh |
AT | Waktu yang pasti/tepat | At 9.20 o'clock |
At 8.30 p.m. | ||
At 3. 25 a.m. | ||
At night | ||
At noon | ||
At dawn | ||
At sunset | ||
At breakfast time | ||
At dinner time | ||
At weekend [UK] |
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- I’ll be there at 9 o’clock.
- Please come to my home at 3.25 a.m.
- My mom will arrive home at night.
- I woke up at dawn because of crying baby.
- We always gather at dinner time.
- Let’s go to the Zoo at weekend!
Preposition of Time | Penggunaan | Contoh |
ON | Hari (days) | On Sunday |
On Tuesday | ||
On Saturday night | ||
On Tuesday morning | ||
On Independence day | ||
On my birthday | ||
On mother's day | ||
On weekend [US] | ||
Tanggal (dates) | On 7th of July 2015 | |
On 5th of March | ||
On 21st of May |
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- I’ll meet Mrs. Lestari on Tuesday.
- The first time they met was on Saturday night.
- I send my mom flower on Mother’s day.
- She was born on 16th of May 1992.
- The conference will be held on 7th of July 2015.
Preposition of Time | Penggunaan | Contoh |
IN | Bulan (months) | In January |
In November | ||
Tahun (years) | In 1992 | |
In 2015 | ||
Abad (centuries) | In the 20th century | |
In the 19th century | ||
Jangka waktu panjang (long period) | In the past | |
In the future | ||
Musim (seasons) | In summer | |
In winter | ||
In spring | ||
Ketetapan baku | In the morning | |
In the afternoon | ||
In the evening |
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- The car accident happened in November.
- Many sport cars are produced in 2015.
- The scientists will announce their research in the 20th Century.
- Do you want to be a doctor in the future?
- We couldn’t go to school in winter.
- I wake up in the morning.
Ada beberapa kata menandakan waktu yang tidak perlu memakai preposition of time: at, on, in, diantaranya:
Tanpa Preposition of Time | Contoh |
Every | Every day, every Tuesday |
This | This week, this afternoon |
Last | Last month, last night |
Next | Next year, next week |
Tomorrow, today, nyesterday |
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- We learn English every day.
- I will call you this afternoon.
- I dreamt of you last night.
- See you next week!
- I will go tomorrow.
- We played football yesterday.
Okay, friends. Bagaimana materinya? Nah, itu semua klarifikasi lengkap penggunaan preposition of time at on in.
Terus mencar ilmu dan berlatih ya. Semoga bahan ini sanggup menambah pengetahuan kita semua. ⇒Coba latihan soal Preposition of Time!
Baca juga: Bahasan Lengkap Question Tag, Penggunaan each other dan one another
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