Thursday, May 10, 2018

√ Tumpuan Soal Un Cbt Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

Mempersiapkan ujian nasional dengan sistem CBT atau Computer Based Test memang tidak mudah, apalagi bahasa Inggris materinya cukup banyak. Sobat harus bisa menghapal kosakata, formula dan banyak sekali tumpuan bahan yang pernah diajarkan. Nah, semoga persiapan kau matang serta tidak tergesa – gesa, berikut ini akan kita bahas mengenai pola soal UN CBT bahasa Inggris. Berikut contoh soal bahasa Inggris Announcement kelas 1 Sekolah Menengan Atas  pilihan ganda.

Ketahui dulu secara dalam apa itu ujian nasional berbasis CBT, adalah ujian SBMPTN yang diselenggarakan dengan memakai sistem komputer, sehingga tidak memerlukan paper test lagi . Karakteristik dari tes ini sama dengan tes tertulis biasanya adalah memakai satu perangakat tes untuk beberapa penerima dengan panjang waktu tes yang sama. Semoga dengan pembahasan bahan ini teman bisa mengerjakan soal dengan gampang dan lancar. Soal akan dibentuk menurut story telling beserta pilihan ganda. Kaprikornus cukup praktis, untuk lebih terang mari simak pola soal Sekolah Menengan Atas Sederajat Tahun 2018 ibarat di bawah ini :

Pelajari contoh soal bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text SMP  beserta pembahasan.

Soal Pilihan Ganda ( tanggapan dalam cetak miring )

Storytelling Part 1

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution will prove to you that he is the accused. He had the motives, opportunity, and ability to commit the crime and this will be shown in the evidence presented to you.

Firstly, the accused needed money. He was in debt, owing to the bank over $ 100.000. He had no chance of repaying this: therefore, he needed quick money. That’s why he stole the Macquire Diamond.

Secondly, the accused had the opportunity. As a security guard, he could come and go from the exhibition of the diamond without causing suspicion. He had a plenty of time on the night of the robbery to take the diamond, hide it and then return to his post before the next guard came on duty.

Finally, the accused had the ability to take the Macquarie Diamond. He had knowledge of the alarm system and had keys to unlock the display case. On this evidence, you have no other choice but to find him guilty.

1. What is the topic of the text?

A. Diamond Robbery.

B. Eyewitness evidence.

C. Guilty security.

D. Macquarie Diamond

Berikut pola soal UN CBT bahasa Inggris, dan pola kosakata bahasa Inggris yang sering keluar dalam ujian nasional.

2. The prosecution proves that the security guard was guilty because …

A. He was on duty when the diamond was stolen

B. Macquarie Diamond is very expensive

C. He broke the alarm system

D. He had got a big amount of money 

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The security guard is proven to be in the need of the money.

B. Stealing Macquire Diamond makes the accused pays his debt.

C. Where the security guard hides the diamond.

D. The security guard is proven as the stolen.

Contoh mengenai kata siswa dan siswi SMP, yaitu  kosa kata bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 7  beserta artinya.

Storytelling Part 2

A lot has changed in the world since John Doe established “Doe Radio and Television Service”. Because we are now a leader in computer and cellular telephone service, we are changing our name to “Doe Electronic Technologies”. We think John would be pleased.

As part of this event, we invite you to stop by anytime during the next month to receive a special 20% discount on any compact discs, computer equipment, or cellular phones. It is always a pleasure to serve you.

4. Which item is on discount 20 %?

A. Radios

B. Television

C. Compact disc.

D. Telephones

5. A lot has changed in the world since John Doe established “Doe Radio …” (paragraph 1). The underlined word is closest in meaning to …

A. founded

B. improved

C. expanded

D. developed

Simak pola soal UN CBT bahasa Inggris, beserta cara mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 9 dengan gampang dan benar. 

6. Arrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!

(1) As a queen, she was very intelligent, and as a politician, she had a great charisma.

(2) She had brown eyes and they were shaped like cat eyes. Her skin was, in fact, an olive shade.

(3) She became queen of Egypt in 51 B.C. at the age of eighteen.

(4) She was famous not only for her breathtaking beauty but also for her great intellect.

(5) She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.

(6) One of the most famous women in world history was Cleopatra VII.

The best arrangement of sentences above is …

A. 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5

B. 6 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 4

C. 6 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1

D. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3

Berikut ini contoh soal Essay Present Perfect Tense beserta jawabannya yang bisa dipelajari.

Storytelling part 3

Octopuses are mollusks, a kind of animal with a soft body. Unlike other mollusks, such as clams and oysters, octopuses and squid have no hard ……..(33) to protect them. An octopus is an animal without any bones. Surrounding the main portion of its body is a fleshy covering, called a mantle. Most of the internal organs of an octopus are inside the mantle.

An octopus has two big ……..(34), so it has very good vision. Seals, eels, and other sea animals prey on octopuses. An octopus’ main method of defense is to shoot a cloud of dark ink into the water.

The ink cloud confuses the attacker, and the octopus jets away. Octopuses can also ……..(35) color rapidly when they are in danger. They change color to fit in with their surroundings. This helps them to hide from prey.

7. Fill in the number 33 …

A. skin

B. scales

C. Seals

D. skull

Pilihan ihwal contoh soal Elliptical Sentences dan kunci jawaban, beserta contoh soal UN CBT bahasa Inggris. 

8. Fill in the number 34 …

A. eyes

B. bones

C. fingers

D. thumbs

9. Fill in the number 35 …

A. change

B. complain

C. deliver

D. wonder

10. The point of the story from the story above is …

A. Octopuses are mollusks

B. Mollusks

C. Sea animal

D. The Octopuses

Persiapan latihan ujian dengan pola soal bahasa Inggris kelas XII semester I beserta kunci jawaban cukup simple dan mudah.

Sekian pembahasan ihwal pola soal UN CBT bahasa Inggris, selamat mencoba teman dan good luck.
