Kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to ialah bentuk lain dari kalimat Future Tense. Kalimat ini dipakai untuk menyatakan sebuah maksud atau untuk menyatakan sebuah prediksi/perkiraan akan terjadinya sebuah kejadian. Belajar juga tentang Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Kata Going
Fungsi kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to
Kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to dipakai untuk menyatakan:
- Maksud dari subyek.
Bill is going to apply a scholarship after he finish his study.
I am sure you are going to like it. - Prediksi/perkiraan atas suatu kejadian (berdasarkan tanda/ciri yang ada).
The text is quite long. It is going to take a long time to translate it.
The wall is very high to climb. They are going to fall if they are not very careful. Belajar juga tentang Will and Going To
Rumus kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to
Struktur kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to sekilas nampak ibarat susunan kalimat Bahasa Inggris bentuk Present Continuous Tense, khususnya pada penggunaan be+going to yang sepintas sama bentuknya dengan Verb+ing. Kata going to dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to mutlak harus ada dan diikuti oleh Verb infinitive (kata kerja bentuk asal). Kata going to ini juga tidak sanggup digantikan oleh bentuk Verb+ing yang lain.
Agar tidak resah membedakannya, ingatlah selalu bahwa pada bentuk Future Tense dengan be going to, kalimat disusun mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
[+] S + be + going to + Verb(infinitive) + O
[-] S + be + not + going to + Verb(infinitive) + O
[?] be + S + going to + Verb(infinitive) + O
Be yang dipakai di sini ialah am, are, dan is. Am di gunakan untuk subyek I, are untuk subyek You, We, They, dan is dipakai untuk subyek He, She, It. Berikut ini ialah referensi kalimat Bahasa Ingrris be going to:
- I am going to visit my sister in Leed next month.
- Let me know when you are going to submit your project proposal.
- I am sure that we are going to finish our works on time.
- They promised us that they are going to reach the airport before we leave.
- The cloud is very dark. It is going to rain.
Sesuai dengan pola di atas, kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to sanggup berupa kalimat positif [+], negatif [-], dan pertanyaan [?] Belajar juga tentang Contoh Present Perfect Tense dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Kalimat Positif
Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to:
[+] I am going to attend the meeting.
[+] You are going to meet me tonight.
[+] We are going to discuss this dilema soon.
[+] They are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary next week.
[+] He is going to teach French in this college.
[+] She is going to buy a new apartment in Jakarta.
[+] It is going to boil.
Belajar juga tentang Perbedaan No dan Not dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kalimat Negatif
[-] I am not going to attend the meeting.
[-] You are not going to meet me tonight.
[-] We are not going to discuss this dilema soon.
[-] They are not going to celebrate their wedding anniversary next week.
[-] He is not going to teach French in this college.
[-] She is not going to buy a new apartment in Jakarta.
[-] It is not going to boil.
Belajar juga tentang Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Meminta Bantuan
Kalimat Pertanyaan
Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris be going to:
[-] Am I going to attend the meeting?
[-] Are you going to meet me tonight?
[-] Are we going to discuss this dilema soon?
[-] Are they going to celebrate their wedding anniversary next week?
[-] Is he going to teach French in this college?
[-] Is she going to buy a new apartment in Jakarta?
[-] Is it going to boil?
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