Saturday, September 15, 2018

√ Doj Cites The Niche Blog In Suit Vs. Stem Cell Clinic Firm: What’S Scoop?

It was interesting to see that this blog The Niche was cited in  √ DOJ cites The Niche blog in suit vs. stem cell clinic firm: what’s scoop?It was interesting to see that this blog The Niche was cited in the lawsuit filing by the DOJ in the U.S.A. vs. California Stem Cell Treatment Center, Cell Surgical Network (CSN), et al. case.

Yeah, that lawsuit. This suit is part of the DOJ action yesterday that along with the other suit against US Stem Cell seeks permanent injunctions against these firms related to their use of stem cells.

Here’s the passage in paragraph 60 of the suit by the DOJ citing this interview that I did here on The Niche with the leaders of CSN:

“60. In February 2017, during an interview with a professor at the University of California Davis School of Medicine, Defendants Berman and Lander confirmed that CSN affiliates were growing adipose stem cells in a lab and had not obtained any FDA approvals for their clinical approach. When asked why CSN had not obtained FDA approval, Berman and Lander indicated that CSN intended to treat patients with their products in order to collect data before contacting FDA. See”

I try to regularly reach out to other parties related to what I’m writing about including the FDA and also stem cell clinics for interviews on the blog. I often ask the clinics for their side or to do a Q&A because it seems fair and balanced to do so. I also often learn quite a bit from the interactions and posting it aids the community in understanding what is going on out there.

On two past occasions years ago I had colleagues ask me the equivalent of, “Why the heck are you doing an interview with a stem cell clinic and giving them PR?”

It’s not like I’m trying to help unproven clinics get some PR.

On the flip side, I didn’t imagine that an interview here would end up as part of a lawsuit filed by the DOJ against stem cell clinics.

One major point of this blog The Niche is to enhance knowledge hopefully in unique ways for diverse parties in our wide world of stem cells including patients.
