Monday, December 31, 2018

√ Lab Tour Video Contest: $100 Prize

What’s your lab like? What do you work on? What are you most excited about? Is your lab hiring? What are your lab traditions? Superstitions? How messy/clean is your lab? You can see a picture of me in my lab below about 5-6 years ago…the usual busy semi-clutter of a lab.

You can win $100 just by doing a video all about your lab!

 You can see a picture of me in my lab below about  √ Lab tour video contest: $100 prize

Make a short no more than 3 minute video of your lab (and by “lab” I mean any representation of it you want: the space, the people, the view from the window, cool images, etc.) and send it to me or post it on Twitter with the hashtag #labvideocontest.

The most compelling video maker wins a $100 gift card from me….and maybe I’ll throw in a free stem cell t-shirt and signed copies of my books, but we’ll see.

Plus, just by entering you get some free PR for your lab if you post the video on Twitter and I may post honorable mention videos. If more than one video is great, I’ll likely give out additional prizes.

The video doesn’t have to be funny, but that can be a plus. Including cool images in the video can be a plus. Telling lab stories is fun. Singing? Dancing? Science as a performance art? Use your imagination.


Anyone can enter from any country.

Anyone shown in the video has to be OK with being in the video.

By submitting the video you are consenting to it potentially being posted on this blog.

Your lab doesn’t have to be doing stem cell research, but that’s not discouraged either.

The video should, of course, not contain any confidential information or images (e.g. unpublished stuff you don’t want seen) from your lab. Any level scientist can enter the contest from students to techs to PIs but non-PIs should ask their PI first.

The deadline for submission is March 15.
