Nominations are open starting today for the Stem Cell Person of the Year Award for 2016. Please email me your nominations: knoepflerATucdavisDOTedu.
This is a unique award as it is given to an individual who has taken risks to help others within the stem cell field and they based their actions on outside-the-box thinking.
Another unusual aspect is that anyone is eligible for the prize whether you are a scientist, physician, patient, writer, student, etc. There are also no geographic restrictions.
The winner receives recognition as a positive leader in this arena and a $2,000 cash prize that I award myself out of pocket.
Nominations will close one month from today on October 15th.
The nominations I receive will then be subject to an Internet vote and the top 50% will be the finalists, from which I will choose the winner. While I alone choose the winner, I often get feedback from leaders around the globe in the stem cell and regenerative medicine field.
Previous winners include these stellar stem cell leaders:
- Top stem cell scientist Jeanne Loring in 2015. Note that Jeanne deferred getting her $2,000 prize money, which I then gave to Summit for Stem Cell, an amazing patient-based stem cell organization.
- Pioneering vision and pluripotent stem cell clinical researcher, Masayo Takahashi in 2014.
- Neural stem cell scientist and very effective Italian politician Elena Cattaneo in 2013.
- Stem cell patient advocate Roman Reed in 2012.
Who will win the Stem Cell Person of the Year Award for 2016? Send me your nominations.