Wednesday, April 17, 2019

√ Content Wiped On Websites Of Stem Cell Clinics Warned By Fda

 the FDA issued a warning letter to three co √ Content Wiped on Websites of Stem Cell Clinics Warned by FDAA couple of months back, the FDA issued a warning letter to three co-owned stem cell clinics selling fat stem cell-based interventions to patients for a variety of ills.

You can read all about the warning letter here. It went to lead clinic, Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center as well as the two co-owned clinics, which are Manhattan Regenerative Medicine and Miami Stem Cell Center. Dr. Thomas Gionis was the person to whom the letter was addressed.

Irvine seems to have taken down its website content in the last week or two (see image above). The same is the case at Manhattan Regenerative Medicine, while Miami Stem Cell Center’s page remains up as of now. To me this suggests some change is in the air.

Many questions have been raised by the FDA warning letter including why this particular set of three clinics were warned, when others seemingly doing just about the exact same thing have not been warned, at least that we know of so far.

Stay tuned for more on Irvine and Miami Stem Cell Centers probably in the next week or so.
