Thursday, May 9, 2019

√ Fat Amniotic Stem Cell Clinic Nervana Opens In Sacramento

I was eating my Sunday breakfast and reading the SacBee, when a full-page ad for a stem cell clinic jumped out at me.

I dropped my toast onto the plate and grabbed my iPhone to take a picture.

I was eating my Sunday breakfast and reading the SacBee √ Fat  amniotic stem cell clinic Nervana opens in Sacramento

The ad is for Nervana Stem Cell Centers in Sacramento. A little research on their website revealed that they appear to sell amniotic and fat stem cell injections for pain and joint conditions.

I’m not convinced that such therapies are safe and effective, but the number of such clinics in the US is proliferating rapidly. To my knowledge, the use of stem cells in this way is not FDA approved.

Just six or so months ago it seemed that another stem cell clinic had opened in Sacramento, but I’m not sure what happened to that one and if it is operational.

The Nervana website does not say who the doctor(s) are behind Nervana even on their “who we are” page. A quick search using the California Secretary of State web tool found no record for a business license for Nervana, but that could well be pending or have a different name.

I would imagine that the Nervana name is meant to imply Nirvana.

Stay tuned.
