Sunday, November 4, 2018

√ List Of Top 50 Stem Cell Influencers On Twitter To Follow

Who are the top stem cell influencers?

Terrapin asked this kind of question to some within our community 4 years ago and came up with a Top 50 list of stem cell influencers, which I like to joke I was “at the top of” because I was #50 and they listed us in reverse chronological order.

What about today? Who are the major regenerative medicine and stem cell influencers?

It’s a subjective, mostly non-scientific, but still interesting kind of question.

Terrapin asked this kind of question to some within our community  √ List of Top 50 stem cell influencers on Twitter to follow

Perhaps at some point an impartial party will do a new survey.

In the mean time, there are some indications on social media of who some of these influencers may be. I see a bunch of key stem cell accounts on Twitter that you may want to follow if you are interested in stem cells and regenerative medicine.

But keep in mind that some of the more influential stem cell scientists still either do not have Twitter accounts or almost never tweet. Therefore, this list is not meant as a “top stem cell influencers” list since some top influencers such as Shinya Yamanaka and others just aren’t on Twitter.

So it is a top stem cell influencers on Twitter list.

Below is the list in alphabetical order, including some perhaps not on your radar screen.

These accounts Tweet with hashtags like #stemcells and #stemcell.

I particularly appreciate those accounts that include a mix of info, news, and opinion with original content of their own too.

I emphasize those accounts who regularly tweet and I aimed for a good mixed of accounts across the globe, not just in the U.S. I also included stem cell policy researchers and bioethicists.

Note that I did not include stem cell and regenerative medicine companies in my list. I may do a separate list for them.

Also, I’m not necessarily endorsing the listed accounts or their opinions. In fact, I disagree with some of them on some important issues, but following them is probably useful to stay up to date on what is going on and keep up with key trends. Where I may have a very different stem cell world view than certain Twitter accounts I was considering including, I tried to err on the side of including them anyway if I felt they have influence on the dialogue. Let’s all sing kumbaya? Not quite. But diverse opinions are important and I definitely learn from accounts like these, sometimes changing my views on big issues.

Some accounts are individuals, while others are organizations. You may notice that some have many followers, while others do not. I picked this list of 50 below based simply on my impressions of their influence or because they do interesting tweets and/or have a fresh perspective on things, not strictly based on metrics.

Apologies to those not listed as there are many other worthwhile stem cell and regenerative medicine-related accounts too.

If I missed some of your favorite stem cell accounts on Twitter, weigh in with your ideas in the comments. I may do a new list next year.
