Monday, December 17, 2018

√ Find $250 Easter Egg In Gmo Sapiens #Crispr Book: Here’S A Hint

 as well as at least a sliver of science √ Find $250 Easter egg in GMO Sapiens #CRISPR book: here’s a hintWant $250 as well as at least a sliver of science-related glory?

Within my book GMO Sapiens on CRISPR and human genetic modification, I’ve hidden a scientific Easter egg.

There’s more Easter egg info over here including the rules.

If you are the first one to find and properly explain this egg to me after buying the book, you win $250. I had originally limited it to the print edition, but e-version purchase is fine too.

So far no one has gotten the hidden egg right.

To give people a better chance, I’m giving a hint. The clue is: crack the Easter egg code.

Good luck.

This is largely a repost of last year’s Easter piece.
